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英语在南通重要吗 大量的英语






此外,在成人中,大学生以及专业人士也会选择学习英语,以便增强自己的可沟通 性和可交流意识。







Learning English can be a challenge, but it is also a great way to open up new possibilities. Knowing English can provide opportunities to get better jobs, meet new people and explore different cultures. There are many ways to master English, such as taking classes, finding a tutor, watching movies or reading in English. The more time and effort you put into learning, the better your results. With hard work, dedication, and the right resources, you can become proficient in English and take advantage of the many benefits that come with it.



marked by moderation in the indulgence of appetite; sparing in the use of food or drink. Accretion:

an increase by natural growth or addition. Adumbrate:

give a brief summary of. Animadversion:

expressing criticism or censure. Anodyne:

having a calming or soothing effect. Approbation:

an expression of approval or praise. Bombast:

inflated or grandiloquent language. Cacophony:

a harsh or discordant mixture of sounds. Canonical:

conforming to or required by tradition or a recognized standard. Chary:

cautious, hesitant and unexpressive. Circuitous:

going or taking a lengthy indirect route. Concomitant:

naturally accompanying or associated. Duplicity:

dishonesty; deceitfulness. Ebullient:

overflowing with enthusiasm and excitement. Effulgent:

shining brightly; radiant. Facetious:

joking or jesting. Foment:

cause (something) to happen, especially by engaging in continual activity. Garrulous:

excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters. Harangue:

a lengthy and aggressive speech. Ineffable:

too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words. Inextricable:

impossible to unravel or resolve. Judicious:

having or exercising sound judgment. Knack:

a special skill or aptitude. Laconic:

using or marked by the use of few words; terse. Maladroit:

poorly judged or clumsy. Nebulous:

cloud-like; vague; indistinct. Obtuse:

lacking in insight or discernment. Perfidy:

perfidious breach of faith; treachery. Quintessential:

embodying the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class. Rancor:

a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will. Rapprochement:

a reestablishing of cordial relations. Salubrious:

promoting health or well-being; beneficial. Sycophant:

a person who praises powerful people in order to get their approval. Trepidation:

a feeling of fear or agitation about something uncertain. Ungainly:

awkward, clumsy or disordered in movement. Vituperative:

abusive or harshly critical. Yoke:

something that restrains or oppresses, or b. a pair of animals joined together. Zenith:

the point directly overhead in the sky or the highest point of something.



